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Family Feud Final Questions

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Questions and Answers with Points. Family Feud Questions looks to take things up a notch with the Q&A with votes section. Here, instead of obvious answers to questions, we give you choices that are all possible answers but only one of them has more votes, thereby making it the right answer. Booklet with all the survey questions and answers, 1 magic marker. Separate the strike indicator and the three 'X' markers and place within easy reach. Each page in the book contains one complete game of Family Feud. One game equals 3 face off/feud round questions and the Fast Money bonus round. Choose a player to be the. Family Feud Questions provide a large of family feud questions and answers. Name a term that starts with the word final(6 answers) Final Exam Final Answer Whippersnapper Final Countdown Final Destination Stuffy Head. Print This Page. 7 answers Name an occasion when you hear a countdown.

Ray Combs was a charismatic and likable, but even he couldn't take the pressure after being fired from his job.

Ron Galella/WireImageDionne Warwick, Ray Combs, Vanessa Williams during Taping of 'Grammy Family Feud' at CBS TV City in Hollywood. Arma 3 no audio.

On June 2, 1996, police arrived at Glendale Adventist Medical Center. The sight that greeted them was a man hanging dead in a closet from a noose made from bedsheets. Of course, while the reasons behind suicides are, tragically, often unknown, the identity of the dead man was not. It was Ray Combs.

Combs was the longtime host of the reboot one of America's favorite gameshows, Family Feud. For six years, he had greeted contestants and the viewers at home with a carefree wit that spoke to his background as a popular stand-up comedian.

But behind the scenes, the laughter turned to tragedy. As the new Family Feud began to slip in ratings, Combs' life fell apart.

Ray Combs' Downfall


It was decided that Combs would be fired from the show in 1993 to make way for the return of the original host of the show, Richard Dawson. The show was in a tailspin, with many stations dropping it from their schedules. The hope was that Dawson's popularity could reverse the decline. Crystal peaks hollow knight.

Combs filmed his final episode in 1994. He left with a revealing joke after a contestant failed to get any points in the final round. 'Thought I was a loser till you walked up here,' he said to the contestant, 'and you made me feel like a man.' As soon as shooting wrapped, he walked off the set and drove home without even a goodbye, leaving the contestants celebrating on stage without him.

Combs had once had a promising career, beginning as a warm-up comedian for sitcoms. He was so popular that shows would change their shooting schedules so they could have him perform for their audience.

But by 1994, work was hard to come by. It's not unusual for a comedian to go through dry spells in their careers, but it was especially hard for Combs because he was totally broke. Flutter add device.

Combs pulled in a healthy salary hosting Family Feud, but he managed his money poorly and was always short on cash. Shortly after being fired from the show, two of the comedy clubs he owned in his home state of Ohio went bankrupt and had to close. Because he could no longer afford to pay his mortgage, his house then went into foreclosure.

Then in July, Combs was involved in a serious car accident. The crash shattered one of the discs in his spine, leaving Combs temporarily paralyzed. Though he was eventually able to walk again, the injury meant he was in constant pain.

The stress took a toll on Combs' marriage and in 1995, he and his wife of 18 years filed for divorce.

An Attempt To Restart His Life

Ray Combs, desperate to restart his career, spent the year filming several projects that would ultimately prove to be failures. He shot a pilot for a talk show, but no network wanted to pick it up. Finally, he got an offer to host a rival game show called Family Challenge.

YouTubeRay Combs hosting Family Challenge. Combs hosted the show for a little under a year. Then in June 1996, police responded to a call about a disturbance at Combs' home in Glendale. Matt burgundy lipstick. Inside, they found that Combs had smashed up the furniture and was repeatedly banging his head against the walls hard enough to draw blood.

Combs' wife, who had recently filed for divorce, arrived and informed the police that he had just been released from the hospital after trying to kill himself with an overdose of prescription medication. Combs was taken into protective custody and committed to the Glendale Adventist Medical Center for psychiatric evaluation.

In the early hours of the next morning, Combs hanged himself in the closet of his room. He was just 40 years old.

After Combs' death, his wife discovered just how much financial trouble he had been in. He owed hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans and back taxes, with no assets to help pay them off. Combs' wife was forced to sell what little Combs still had to cover some of the debt.

The stress of overwhelming financial problems combined with injuries, career setbacks, and the end of his marriage had been too much to bear for Ray Combs.

Ultimately, it was a tragic end to a life that had once held such promise. And it's a reminder that sometimes the people that seem to be doing well are the ones suffering the most.

Next, read about the tragic life of Ota Benga, the human exhibit at the Bronx Zoo. Then, read about Rod Ansell, the real life Crocodile Dundee.

On Christmas evening. after the hor d'oeuvres and cheeses, turkey and cranberry, ghosts with beer tastings and lit luminarias, we gathered everyone into the back room aside the Christmas Tree and played a somewhat unique and boisterous version of Family Feud.
At the game board with me in the role of Steve Harvey, and
Helen (pictured here, questioning someone's intelligence) as my
assistant -- a Family Feud version of Vanna White, if you will.
Four families and 12 sets of survey results for 2 preliminary rounds, a consolation match and the final.
Nine of the matches used results from the survey I developed - which many of you filled out. Another 3 came through other means (details to follow).
Between the Facebook and Email responses, I received 30 results, which were analyzed and grouped, then statistically powered up to a basis of 100 points. The top 6 or 7 answers for each question were used. Only one survey question had to be tossed due to the wide variety of responses that resisted grouping ('name someone scarier than santa').
To everyone that helped me by filling out the survey, I thank you again -- and offer the results for you to use if you want to do the same thing with your family next Christmas or some other time.
Survey details will follow, but first a little background and table setting.

1. Christmas Traditions

My wife Sue, has two brothers and one sister. Each Christmas, dinner is hosted, on a rotating basis, at one of those four households. This year, it was our turn. Normally, there is a dinner followed by some sort of gift exchange - an exchange that in the past, has been designed in every fashion imaginable. drawing names, drawing numbers, sincere gifts of a certain value, white elephants, charity donations, etc. Think of every kind of gift exchange you can think of. It has been tried - and it has resulted in varying degrees of a mixed-up jumble that always left some people wondering why we do it. It was time for a change.
So Sue and I decided to shake up this picture by playing a game instead. It took some convincing but the laughter that filled the room that evening was a consensus statement to me that we did the right thing and it was much better than a pollyanna.

2. The Teams

Game day chart showing teams and bracketed matches

Having a set of four families makes for a natural starting point to use an elimination bracket. Two preliminary rounds were held to pare down participants into the consolation and final matches.
Each round consisted of 3 survey results. To determine match-ups, each captain drew from a deck of cards. Sue pulled an ace and Danielle a queen, matching them - and pitting the 2 Semetti sisters - against each together in the first round. Pulling the lower 2 cards were Derik and Lisa, thus ensuring that the 2 Semetti brothers would compete against each other.

3. The Play

Each team sent a player to the front of the room, starting with the captains, to answer the toss up question. In a significant change from the real game, I used a set of separate questions to determine control of the game -- instead of guessing the actual survey. To allow the teams to think about whether they would PLAY or PASS, I read the survey question first.
Instead of buzzers for the players to hit after I read the question, I placed a badminton birdie on a stool in the front of the room. It was unbreakable and almost certain to not harm anyone when it was grabbed.
Instead of 'X's showing up somewhere along with a buzzer when a wrong answer was given, I had someone throw me a stuffed mouse. When there were 3 stuffed mice on the stool, it was time for the other family to STEAL. A buzzer would have been nice if we had it.
Joe and Jim Semetti, competing for question #6
-- neither one answered correctly
As with the real game, point values of the last question of each match (in this case, the 3rd question) was doubled.
Obviously, I could not play for my own family and be an emcee. I had to be neutral, but still, it was obvious to me that the Pronchik team had the most talent in the room. However, things change. Sharon and Aric had to leave before the final round, shrinking the team to 3 players (and taking my assistant too!). This put more pressure on Jeremy's co-worker from Japan, Miyoko, who was forced to wade more prominently through some questionable U.S. pop and twisted Christmas culture. Trying to imagine how I would do in a similar but opposite situation, I would say she was amazing.

4. Toss Up Questions

To get things started, we had 2 people brought to the front of the room (1 from each team). I first read the survey question (to let the family think about whether to play or pass), then read a toss up question and someone grabbed the badminton birdie. If neither person answered correctly, I went back and forth to each team, just like on TV until we got a right answer. The family answering correctly had control of the game - to play or pass. Strangely (to me anyway), most of the time, they passed.
Questions were developed through a combination of research, analysis and imagination. Answers can be debated later but for the game, each was final.
  1. Family Feud debuted on July 12, 1976. After I read what that first question was, I want you to tell me the most popular answer… 'Name a famous George'. ANSWER: Washington
  2. In the pathetically sad and tragic song, 'Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer', what was grandma drinking that got her in trouble? ANSWER: Egg Nog
  3. We asked 100 inmates at Folsom Prison, 'Ginger or Mary Ann' ? ANSWER: Ginger
  4. This question has a few rules. Once you buzz in or it is your turn, you have 2 seconds to answer. You may not spell the word out loud. Question: We asked 100 dyslexic people to pronounce the word STOP if spelled backwards?… ANSWER: 'POTS'
  5. On the first Family Feud show, the Moseley family challenged the Ambramowitz family. Who won? ANSWER: Moseley
  6. We asked 100 homophobes, which of the 12 gifts of Christmas made them most uncomfortable? ANSWER: 10 Lords-a-leaping
  7. In the poem, 'A Visit From St. Nicholas', we have the lines, 'And then in a twinkling, I heard on the roof, The prancing and pawing of each little hoof'. What is the total number of reindeer hooves that were heard? ANSWER: 32
  8. According to an old holiday slogan, 'When santa wants to get blitzed, he reaches for __' ANSWER: MANISCHEWITZ (also accepting 'a SCHLITZ' or 'a SCHMITS')
  9. According to Ogden Nash, 'Candy is dandy but liquor is… ANSWER: QUICKER
  10. Family Feud History… Who was the program's first host ? ANSWER: RICHARD DAWSON
  11. In the Christmas carol, 'The 12 Days of Christmas', there are 5 different animals given as gifts - each on a different, numbered day. Name the animal on the highest numbered day you can think of. ANSWER: swans (7), geese (6), calling birds (4), french hens (3), turtle doves (2)
  12. We asked 100 girl scouts to name their favorite… cookie ANSWER: all legitimate answers accepted
  13. In the song, 'White Christmas', what is the person dreaming of? ANSWER: A White Christmas
Lisa beats Derik to answer question #4

Notes and comments.
  • When I accepted the answer 'GINGER' to question #3, I was immediately challenged that the data was old. Come on!
  • I think the funniest answer given to any question was by my brother in law Jim for one of the animals on the 12 Days of Christmas. He answered, 'The 3 Wise Men'. Everyone was like, 'What???'
  • Almost everyone was convinced that question #8 referred to a legitimate ad slogan. For the record, it's totally made up. Seriously ???? Santa getting BLITZED ??? Who would come up with that slogan to promote their product?
  • My sweet little niece Meg had no problem with Ogden Nash's line (question #9), answering immediately, 'Liquor is quicker'.
  • And the most secret trivia. I had to throw out question #11 after we went deep into each team without even one legitimate animal being named. This caused the girl scout question to come into play -- a question that I did not want to read. The actual question was, 'We asked 100 girl scouts to name their favorite. sexual position'. It was intended, with proper hesitation, to let someone jump in before I was done reading the question, and name a cookie. Only for me to say, 'That's incorrect. Now I will read the ENTIRE question.' at which point I know -- at least my brothers-in-law -- would burst in to extreme laughter. For the record, any answer would have been accepted to that question also.

5. Survey Questions and Results

Hoelzer family, coming up with an answer to steal
I had 9 good results from the survey I posted. Most responses made the final list - may being combined. A few did not make it to the top 6 or 7.
I created 2 other surveys by way of using Google data. When you query google, it tries to fill in your question using information from what other people have been querying - i.e., the most popular answers of others. In doing so, it also ranks the answers from most frequent to least. In essence, it is a survey. The only thing I needed to do was select a good question with 6 or 7 answers and apply a statistical model to it to determine point value. Donald Trump and Superman came through for me, and created some good answers.
One last question was grabbed from a real Family Feud game that I found posted online.
So, here they are. (point values - before any doubling - are listed to the right of each answer)
Sue, in a blur of speed, grabs the badminton birdie before Danielle can even conceive


Black Family Feud Questions

(Hoelzers vs. Pronchiks)
We Asked 100 E-mail & Facebook Friends…
1. What gift did Mrs. Claus receive from Santa that made her roll her eyes and say, 'Not again !?!' (76)
  1. Warm clothes 17 (thermals, socks, mittens, sweaters, etc.)
  2. Apron14
  3. Fruit Cake14
  4. Cookware 10 (baking pans, blender, rolling pin)
  5. Underwear/Negligee10
  6. Cookies7
  7. Diet Magazine subs.4
2. Give a word or a 2 word combination that rhymes with REINDEER. (80)
Show me: 'John Boehner'

It was decided that Combs would be fired from the show in 1993 to make way for the return of the original host of the show, Richard Dawson. The show was in a tailspin, with many stations dropping it from their schedules. The hope was that Dawson's popularity could reverse the decline. Crystal peaks hollow knight.

Combs filmed his final episode in 1994. He left with a revealing joke after a contestant failed to get any points in the final round. 'Thought I was a loser till you walked up here,' he said to the contestant, 'and you made me feel like a man.' As soon as shooting wrapped, he walked off the set and drove home without even a goodbye, leaving the contestants celebrating on stage without him.

Combs had once had a promising career, beginning as a warm-up comedian for sitcoms. He was so popular that shows would change their shooting schedules so they could have him perform for their audience.

But by 1994, work was hard to come by. It's not unusual for a comedian to go through dry spells in their careers, but it was especially hard for Combs because he was totally broke. Flutter add device.

Combs pulled in a healthy salary hosting Family Feud, but he managed his money poorly and was always short on cash. Shortly after being fired from the show, two of the comedy clubs he owned in his home state of Ohio went bankrupt and had to close. Because he could no longer afford to pay his mortgage, his house then went into foreclosure.

Then in July, Combs was involved in a serious car accident. The crash shattered one of the discs in his spine, leaving Combs temporarily paralyzed. Though he was eventually able to walk again, the injury meant he was in constant pain.

The stress took a toll on Combs' marriage and in 1995, he and his wife of 18 years filed for divorce.

An Attempt To Restart His Life

Ray Combs, desperate to restart his career, spent the year filming several projects that would ultimately prove to be failures. He shot a pilot for a talk show, but no network wanted to pick it up. Finally, he got an offer to host a rival game show called Family Challenge.

YouTubeRay Combs hosting Family Challenge. Combs hosted the show for a little under a year. Then in June 1996, police responded to a call about a disturbance at Combs' home in Glendale. Matt burgundy lipstick. Inside, they found that Combs had smashed up the furniture and was repeatedly banging his head against the walls hard enough to draw blood.

Combs' wife, who had recently filed for divorce, arrived and informed the police that he had just been released from the hospital after trying to kill himself with an overdose of prescription medication. Combs was taken into protective custody and committed to the Glendale Adventist Medical Center for psychiatric evaluation.

In the early hours of the next morning, Combs hanged himself in the closet of his room. He was just 40 years old.

After Combs' death, his wife discovered just how much financial trouble he had been in. He owed hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans and back taxes, with no assets to help pay them off. Combs' wife was forced to sell what little Combs still had to cover some of the debt.

The stress of overwhelming financial problems combined with injuries, career setbacks, and the end of his marriage had been too much to bear for Ray Combs.

Ultimately, it was a tragic end to a life that had once held such promise. And it's a reminder that sometimes the people that seem to be doing well are the ones suffering the most.

Next, read about the tragic life of Ota Benga, the human exhibit at the Bronx Zoo. Then, read about Rod Ansell, the real life Crocodile Dundee.

On Christmas evening. after the hor d'oeuvres and cheeses, turkey and cranberry, ghosts with beer tastings and lit luminarias, we gathered everyone into the back room aside the Christmas Tree and played a somewhat unique and boisterous version of Family Feud.
At the game board with me in the role of Steve Harvey, and
Helen (pictured here, questioning someone's intelligence) as my
assistant -- a Family Feud version of Vanna White, if you will.
Four families and 12 sets of survey results for 2 preliminary rounds, a consolation match and the final.
Nine of the matches used results from the survey I developed - which many of you filled out. Another 3 came through other means (details to follow).
Between the Facebook and Email responses, I received 30 results, which were analyzed and grouped, then statistically powered up to a basis of 100 points. The top 6 or 7 answers for each question were used. Only one survey question had to be tossed due to the wide variety of responses that resisted grouping ('name someone scarier than santa').
To everyone that helped me by filling out the survey, I thank you again -- and offer the results for you to use if you want to do the same thing with your family next Christmas or some other time.
Survey details will follow, but first a little background and table setting.

1. Christmas Traditions

My wife Sue, has two brothers and one sister. Each Christmas, dinner is hosted, on a rotating basis, at one of those four households. This year, it was our turn. Normally, there is a dinner followed by some sort of gift exchange - an exchange that in the past, has been designed in every fashion imaginable. drawing names, drawing numbers, sincere gifts of a certain value, white elephants, charity donations, etc. Think of every kind of gift exchange you can think of. It has been tried - and it has resulted in varying degrees of a mixed-up jumble that always left some people wondering why we do it. It was time for a change.
So Sue and I decided to shake up this picture by playing a game instead. It took some convincing but the laughter that filled the room that evening was a consensus statement to me that we did the right thing and it was much better than a pollyanna.

2. The Teams

Game day chart showing teams and bracketed matches

Having a set of four families makes for a natural starting point to use an elimination bracket. Two preliminary rounds were held to pare down participants into the consolation and final matches.
Each round consisted of 3 survey results. To determine match-ups, each captain drew from a deck of cards. Sue pulled an ace and Danielle a queen, matching them - and pitting the 2 Semetti sisters - against each together in the first round. Pulling the lower 2 cards were Derik and Lisa, thus ensuring that the 2 Semetti brothers would compete against each other.

3. The Play

Each team sent a player to the front of the room, starting with the captains, to answer the toss up question. In a significant change from the real game, I used a set of separate questions to determine control of the game -- instead of guessing the actual survey. To allow the teams to think about whether they would PLAY or PASS, I read the survey question first.
Instead of buzzers for the players to hit after I read the question, I placed a badminton birdie on a stool in the front of the room. It was unbreakable and almost certain to not harm anyone when it was grabbed.
Instead of 'X's showing up somewhere along with a buzzer when a wrong answer was given, I had someone throw me a stuffed mouse. When there were 3 stuffed mice on the stool, it was time for the other family to STEAL. A buzzer would have been nice if we had it.
Joe and Jim Semetti, competing for question #6
-- neither one answered correctly
As with the real game, point values of the last question of each match (in this case, the 3rd question) was doubled.
Obviously, I could not play for my own family and be an emcee. I had to be neutral, but still, it was obvious to me that the Pronchik team had the most talent in the room. However, things change. Sharon and Aric had to leave before the final round, shrinking the team to 3 players (and taking my assistant too!). This put more pressure on Jeremy's co-worker from Japan, Miyoko, who was forced to wade more prominently through some questionable U.S. pop and twisted Christmas culture. Trying to imagine how I would do in a similar but opposite situation, I would say she was amazing.

4. Toss Up Questions

To get things started, we had 2 people brought to the front of the room (1 from each team). I first read the survey question (to let the family think about whether to play or pass), then read a toss up question and someone grabbed the badminton birdie. If neither person answered correctly, I went back and forth to each team, just like on TV until we got a right answer. The family answering correctly had control of the game - to play or pass. Strangely (to me anyway), most of the time, they passed.
Questions were developed through a combination of research, analysis and imagination. Answers can be debated later but for the game, each was final.
  1. Family Feud debuted on July 12, 1976. After I read what that first question was, I want you to tell me the most popular answer… 'Name a famous George'. ANSWER: Washington
  2. In the pathetically sad and tragic song, 'Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer', what was grandma drinking that got her in trouble? ANSWER: Egg Nog
  3. We asked 100 inmates at Folsom Prison, 'Ginger or Mary Ann' ? ANSWER: Ginger
  4. This question has a few rules. Once you buzz in or it is your turn, you have 2 seconds to answer. You may not spell the word out loud. Question: We asked 100 dyslexic people to pronounce the word STOP if spelled backwards?… ANSWER: 'POTS'
  5. On the first Family Feud show, the Moseley family challenged the Ambramowitz family. Who won? ANSWER: Moseley
  6. We asked 100 homophobes, which of the 12 gifts of Christmas made them most uncomfortable? ANSWER: 10 Lords-a-leaping
  7. In the poem, 'A Visit From St. Nicholas', we have the lines, 'And then in a twinkling, I heard on the roof, The prancing and pawing of each little hoof'. What is the total number of reindeer hooves that were heard? ANSWER: 32
  8. According to an old holiday slogan, 'When santa wants to get blitzed, he reaches for __' ANSWER: MANISCHEWITZ (also accepting 'a SCHLITZ' or 'a SCHMITS')
  9. According to Ogden Nash, 'Candy is dandy but liquor is… ANSWER: QUICKER
  10. Family Feud History… Who was the program's first host ? ANSWER: RICHARD DAWSON
  11. In the Christmas carol, 'The 12 Days of Christmas', there are 5 different animals given as gifts - each on a different, numbered day. Name the animal on the highest numbered day you can think of. ANSWER: swans (7), geese (6), calling birds (4), french hens (3), turtle doves (2)
  12. We asked 100 girl scouts to name their favorite… cookie ANSWER: all legitimate answers accepted
  13. In the song, 'White Christmas', what is the person dreaming of? ANSWER: A White Christmas
Lisa beats Derik to answer question #4

Notes and comments.
  • When I accepted the answer 'GINGER' to question #3, I was immediately challenged that the data was old. Come on!
  • I think the funniest answer given to any question was by my brother in law Jim for one of the animals on the 12 Days of Christmas. He answered, 'The 3 Wise Men'. Everyone was like, 'What???'
  • Almost everyone was convinced that question #8 referred to a legitimate ad slogan. For the record, it's totally made up. Seriously ???? Santa getting BLITZED ??? Who would come up with that slogan to promote their product?
  • My sweet little niece Meg had no problem with Ogden Nash's line (question #9), answering immediately, 'Liquor is quicker'.
  • And the most secret trivia. I had to throw out question #11 after we went deep into each team without even one legitimate animal being named. This caused the girl scout question to come into play -- a question that I did not want to read. The actual question was, 'We asked 100 girl scouts to name their favorite. sexual position'. It was intended, with proper hesitation, to let someone jump in before I was done reading the question, and name a cookie. Only for me to say, 'That's incorrect. Now I will read the ENTIRE question.' at which point I know -- at least my brothers-in-law -- would burst in to extreme laughter. For the record, any answer would have been accepted to that question also.

5. Survey Questions and Results

Hoelzer family, coming up with an answer to steal
I had 9 good results from the survey I posted. Most responses made the final list - may being combined. A few did not make it to the top 6 or 7.
I created 2 other surveys by way of using Google data. When you query google, it tries to fill in your question using information from what other people have been querying - i.e., the most popular answers of others. In doing so, it also ranks the answers from most frequent to least. In essence, it is a survey. The only thing I needed to do was select a good question with 6 or 7 answers and apply a statistical model to it to determine point value. Donald Trump and Superman came through for me, and created some good answers.
One last question was grabbed from a real Family Feud game that I found posted online.
So, here they are. (point values - before any doubling - are listed to the right of each answer)
Sue, in a blur of speed, grabs the badminton birdie before Danielle can even conceive


Black Family Feud Questions

(Hoelzers vs. Pronchiks)
We Asked 100 E-mail & Facebook Friends…
1. What gift did Mrs. Claus receive from Santa that made her roll her eyes and say, 'Not again !?!' (76)
  1. Warm clothes 17 (thermals, socks, mittens, sweaters, etc.)
  2. Apron14
  3. Fruit Cake14
  4. Cookware 10 (baking pans, blender, rolling pin)
  5. Underwear/Negligee10
  6. Cookies7
  7. Diet Magazine subs.4
2. Give a word or a 2 word combination that rhymes with REINDEER. (80)
Show me: 'John Boehner'
  1. Cold Beer45 (all beer answers)
  2. No Fear12 … in general, allow any first word if the last one rhymes
  3. Sincere8
  4. Big Queer4
  5. Head Gear4
  6. My Dear4
  7. Stained Ear4
3. Name someone in Washington D.C. that will be getting coal in his/her stocking this year? (100)
  1. Barak Obama48
  2. John Boehner24
  3. Congress / Everyone14
  4. Ted Cruz7
  5. Jay Carney 3 (Presidential press sec.)
  6. John McCain3

Semetti 2 team for the steal

(Semetti 1 vs. Semetti 2)
4. If you woke up from a 20 year sleep, what's the first thing you might do? (77)
  1. Eat34
  2. Go to the bathroom24
  3. Take a shower 9
  4. Watch TV4
  5. Date3
  6. Find your family3
5. Name a skill on an elf's resume that would impress Santa into hiring him. (75)
  1. Good Working Qualities 28 (conscientious, problem solver, team player)
  2. Experience assembling toys24
  3. Good with Tools10
  4. Can Sing7
  5. Artistic skills4
  6. Skilled Sleigh Mechanic4
  7. Worked as a LAWN ORNAMENT in the off season2
6. Enough about Santa. If you were shipwrecked on a tropical island, and you only had raw fish to eat, what is the one condiment you would hope would wash up on the shore one day? (91)
  1. Cocktail Sauce24
  2. Wasabi21
  3. Ketchup15
  4. Soy sauce / Tamari13
  5. Tartar Sauce13
  6. Salt4
  7. Lemon juice2

Canada Family Feud Final Questions And Answers

(Hoelzers vs. Semetti 2)
7. We asked GOOGLE to report how users were filling in the following search
query,'Is Donald Trump ______'? The top 7 answers appear on the board. (88)
  1. Jewish24
  2. a racist20
  3. mentally ill (nuts)15
  4. bald12
  5. a Republican12
  6. married3
  7. a billionaire2
8. In the song, 'Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer', they never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games. Name a reindeer game. (80)

Family Feud Final Round Questions

  1. Tag25
  2. Hide and seek13
  3. Learning to Fly13
  4. Track & Field Games9
  5. Butting Heads8
  6. Monopoly8
  7. Pin the antler on the Reindeer8
9. Name someone that Santa has on his speed dial ? (91)
  1. Mrs. Claus31
  2. Rudolph28
  3. Head elf14
  4. AAA7
  5. Amazon/Jeff Bezos7
  6. NASA4
  7. Reindeer Farrier3

(Pronchiks vs Semetti 1)
10. We asked GOOGLE to report how users were filling in the following search query,
'Can Superman ______' ? The top 7 answers appear on the board. (88)
  1. die30
  2. breath in space23
  3. get drunk15
  4. read minds12
  5. fly into the sun4
  6. lift Thor's hammer2
  7. beat Batman2
11. When the cop pulled Santa over on the highway, what question did he ask him? (93)
  1. What's the big hurry, fat man? (SPEEDING)23
  2. Do you have a license to drive that sleigh (LICENSE/REGIS/INS)17
  3. Are you sure you were only drinking milk? (DRUNK)13
  4. Have you/I been naughty or nice? (NAUGHTY/NICE)13
  5. Hey pal, what's with the reindeer? (REINDEER)13
  6. Something wrong with your sleigh? (VEHICLE CHECK)7
  7. What's in the sack. Jack? (CONTRABAND)7
12. Name something santa does on the day after Christmas ? (89)
  1. Sleeps47
  2. Ties one on13
  3. Relaxes10
  4. Hits the Beach8 (VACATION)
  5. Does household chores 7 (reindeer, sleigh, laundry, etc)
  6. Goes on Unemployment3
  7. Lays off the elves (3)

And so, as the theme song played over the speakers, and as the final steal by the Pronchiks went awry (by a hair), the Semetti 1 team became the first champion of what I hope will be a repeated contest and family celebration.

The winning SEMETTI-1 family: Lisa, Betty, Maggie, Joe - doing some kind of
happy dance never before seen on the TV show (or anywhere else on Earth)

[All pictures (except the last) taken by Sharon Pronchik]

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